

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Why surfing makes us happy 2

The breaking of the surface tension of water by waves, release Negative Hydrogen Ions.  NHI are more concentrated in fresh air which can be produced by lightning, ocean surf and waterfalls or plants.  When water is sprayed, waves of hydrogen negative ions are released, purifying the air around us, killing bacteria and increasing our energy level especially in the presence of the sun. --Health Benefit of
Thus when we walk in the bush, near a river, near lakes or breathing the fresh air after rain, we all feel so good. It has been  shown in studies that the parasympathetic nervous system works to relax the body and heart rate. It is said that numerous of NHI are produced between 6-10am in the morning.  Even in the weather like today (again) with rain and wind, I leave the balcony door open for a while to get a fresh air.   Indoor plants like Supatifuramu, Shingoniumu or Peperoshia are know to purify the air, so it is good idea to have these plants near your computer, TV or other electrical devices.
波によって水面の緊張がはじけると、マイナスイオンが放出される。マイナスイオンは雷、海の波、滝、植物によって産出されえる新鮮な空気中ではさらに凝縮される。水しぶきが上がるとマイナスイオンが波のように放出され、周りの空気を浄化し,バクテリアを殺し,エネルギーレベルを上げる,特に太陽が出ている時に。Health Benefit of,- english only
Lake Shikotsu,Hokkaido,Japan
Yellow Stone National Park U.S.A.
NSW, south Coast, Guellira Bay

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**HAVE A LOOK AT YouTube-tamarama surfing 3Jun2011 **
UPLOADED YouTube tamarama surfing 4Jun2011