

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Big swell is going on

That's him 
I hope this a week long big swell changes the sand bottom in a good shape.  ESE swell hits quite straight into Bronte Beach.  I saw only one surfer around 11:30 there.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Messy,Big and Grey surf 21Jul Bronte

The ocean looks grey, the sky is grey ,too and heavy rain makes outside grey.  What a weather..

I don't mind a bit of cold water but not the cold wind.  The reason I really love to surf in Hokkaido,Japan is that we have options.  Even we couldn't find the wave to surf, these are options to amuse us.  Option no.1 is Hot springs.  My surfing mates( we call it "team surf goddess") are into natural hot springs.  Specially after cold day surfing, it indulges our cooled body by dipping  into a  silky touch hot water.  No. two options is having Ramen.  Yum..  No. three is Soft ice cream.  Hokkaido is famous for a good quality dairy goods..yum yum    All these are only in my dream at the moment.
海は灰色に見え,空も灰色 そして激しい雨は外おも灰色にする。何という天気だ...
少しくらい冷たい海水はかまわないが、冷たい風はやだ。日本の北海道でサーフィンすることが大好きな理由はオプションがあるからだ。サーフィンする波を見つけれなくてもこのオプションは我々を楽しませる。オプション1は温泉だ。私のサーフィン仲間は(チーム サーフゴッデスと呼んでるが)自然の温泉にはまってる。特に寒い日のサーフィンの後は絹のような手触りの温泉につかることで.冷えたからだを喜ばせるのだ。 2つ目はラーメンを食べること。うまい... 3つ目はソフトクリームだ。 北海道は上質ば酪農製品で有名だ..うまい うまい... いまはすべてこれらは私の夢の中にあるのみだ.
shiraoi gyokou

Onsen-hot springs

soft ice cream

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Trip to Hippie town

5 Jul to 12Jul I was in Mulumibmby staying at friend's house.  Surfing, of course...  It just takes 20 min. to
Byron Bay,Tallow beach and another 10min. to Broken head, 40 min. to Lennox head by high way, heading north  to Brundswick head by 10 min. Despite South swell was hitting outer sea we had pretty small waves except Tallow beach north corner.  The weather was perfect every day, sunny blue sky and clean air... divine...
Hundreds of whales were making splash and blowing water around Byron bay...
7月5日から12日までマランビンビイの友人宅に泊まってた。 サーフィン,勿論... バイロンべイ、タロービーチまで20分,さらに10分走って,ブロークンベイ. 高速を40分走ってレノックス ヘッド、 10分でブランズウイック ヘッド。南のうねりが外洋にあたっていたにもかかわらず、タロービーチの北コーナーをのぞいてかなり波は小さかった。
Lennox Head

Where I stayed

At Mullumbimby market

Early morning frost

Crystal Castle

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Philosophy of Surfing 2

Since humiliating myself who couldn't beat feeling of fear, I repeated myself "Do not pull out" every time I went to the Reef.  After for a while I was awaken to the philosophy of surfing as if a white glint of light was piercing through my head.  The best wave for yourself always comes, if you have a determined will .
When it comes, you feel intuitively and at the same time you know the only thing you have to do is with a quick judgement you move to the sweet spot and take off,"Go for it".  If you pulled out, no more best waves are coming to you on that day.  Only the second best wave.  It is late if you regret.  This is a philosophy of LIFE...

意思あるところ道あり  Where there's a will, there's a way

Monday, 4 July 2011

Philosophy of surfing 1

Today, ENE swell..not breaking
Soon after I started bodyboard, I paddled out to Bronte Reef .  There were several guys out there waiting for  decent waves.  All seemed experienced to take charge from the reef except me.   One by one  took off from inside section , and I saw this decent wave coming from outside, I was on the right position. Everyone's eyes were on me.. It was coming , jerking uuup .. but..instead of kicking hard, I stopped.  My mentor was with me.  And he yelled at me," Go home! if you are not taking off..everyone is waiting..and give it to you and you stopped !! That's wasted of time! Go back to the beach!"  I was angry at myself..I lost courage...I hated myself...  That was fear , nothing else..fear occupied me ...........
ボディボードを初めて間もなく,ブロンテリーフにいった。数人が,良い波が来るのを待ってた。皆、リーフで波をとるには経験ありのようだった、私を除いて。ひとりひとりインサイドからのっていく、そして私は見た!沖からサイズも形も良い波が来るのを,しかもわたしは一番良い場所にいたのだ。皆の目がふりかかる..そこまできている、もりあがってる...しかし全力でキックする代わりに,私は動きを止めたのだ 師匠がそばにいた。私を怒鳴った、” 奈美に乗らないのなら帰れ!みんな待ってるんだ、でそれをおまえにあげたのに、行かなかった!! 時間のむだだ!ビーチに帰れ!” 自分に腹が立っていた...落胆した...自分が嫌になった... 其れは恐怖だったのだ,何ものでもない。。恐怖がわたしをのっとったのだった........
**HAVE A LOOK AT YouTube-tamarama surfing 3Jun2011 **
UPLOADED YouTube tamarama surfing 4Jun2011