

Friday, 16 August 2013

Mushroom Lover

Mushroom.. Kinoko in Japnese.

I love Kinoko.  Japan has a variety of Kinoko more than anywhere else, I believe.

But here in Sydney I can get fresh Shiitake , Nametake  and Oyster mushrooms( local organic grown ).

Texture and Taste take me to the dream world~.  Don't get me wrong, I am not talking about magic ones.

Nametake with eggplant simmered in soy sauce stock

Shiitake with chopped onion, garlic,minced fish and parsley

Oyster and Enoki mushroom omelette cooked with  an organic coconut oil

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**HAVE A LOOK AT YouTube-tamarama surfing 3Jun2011 **
UPLOADED YouTube tamarama surfing 4Jun2011