

Monday, 18 February 2013

Durian Durian♪♡◎

One of my friend, Ms Marui in KL told me that she was going to have Durin cheese cake at Secret Recipe.

At the same time I was thinking to have Durian ice cream in Sydney.

But it was double indulgence at the end...

Who can resist not buying Durian Pancake when you are at China Town??  I can't....

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Deadly attack by blue bottles

One of those days..when the north warm current brings in heaps of blueys ......
They cannot swim  but cruise with the high tide current, I know they don't mean to harm swimmwers
and surfers...

One swimmer called " Help ", and I realized several blue bottles were around.  He was wrapped around with a long tentacle and surfers  including me raised an arm to gave a signal to lifeguards.

It took for awhile when the lifeguards finally saw what was happening.

I kept surfing afterwards, but.... bastard blueys caught my both legs, arms.....

The best thing you can do is " Do not rub  just pinch the tentacle away with your fingernails "
                                             " Wash but not rubbing "
Then , here it is, TEA TREE OIL  ...This is a natural antiseptic .. every Australians have this at home.

this is a dead one  that is why you cannot see long long tentacle

I always carry when travelling,too


Wednesday, 13 February 2013

What I saw today

  Walking to the jungle side is closer than going to the beach.  Step by step my eyes catch things on the streets.  Valentine flowers...lady sitting  at Kid's cancer donation desk.....confy innocent baby on  a pram.....Paintings ( not graffiti ) on the wall of houses........

Walking in the jungle...then the moist fresh air brushed gently against my cheek...

Walking out of the jungle,  I was attracted to this house..oh to the fox...knock knock knock!?!

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Good food

I rarely eat  eggs.  But sometimes  I really  feel having eggs.  That is fine! Let's eat them..
My fav. is poached egg, and look at this eggs..perfect?  yes...I cooked very well of course...

When you cook poached egg, you can prove the quality and freshness.
Package of the egg says " winners Sydney Royal Easter Show", not mentioning organic grown but
It doesn't matter. They say,

No added hormones or Antibiotics, running and walking in a fields..

I enjoyed this rich sweet taste eggs very much.  Good food!

* parsley from the garden, freshly picked, high quality peppers from sri  lanka*

**HAVE A LOOK AT YouTube-tamarama surfing 3Jun2011 **
UPLOADED YouTube tamarama surfing 4Jun2011