

Friday, 14 April 2017

Sri Lanka new year

Celebration of new year started at 5:41 14Apr.
With the countdown they must light the fire on old coconuts barks.! There is a pot full of coconut milk and make it to boil till the milk overflow and coming down to the tray.
The more it get boiled, the better the rest of your year is.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Hikkaduwa new buses

Only few new buses operate but amazing!!
I noticed there are no broken seats, neither  no holes
in this bus. I cannot help wiggling my head as Sri Lankans or Indians
do because of the music played in a bus.

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Papaya tea

Abundance of Papaya tree in Sri Lanka. Making tea from leaves is my daily routine.
Benefit!?  A medicine for Dengue fever, malaria, balancing white cell counts thus enhance immune system, anti bacteria etc...

Taste is extremely bitter but drinking is bearable.

**HAVE A LOOK AT YouTube-tamarama surfing 3Jun2011 **
UPLOADED YouTube tamarama surfing 4Jun2011